20th Annual Renewable Energy Law Institute: Texas Regulatory Update
February 5, 2025
O’Melveny partner Katie Coleman is a featured speaker at the 20th Annual Renewable Energy Law Institute hosted by the University of Texas school of law covering the oil, gas and energy resources law section of the state bar of Texas.
Coleman will provide a “comprehensive update of Texas regulatory changes impacting renewable energy projects including the status of the Performance Credit Mechanism (PCM), the PUC’s progress in adopting a reliability standard, an updated Cost of New Entry (CONE) and a new Value of Lost Load (VOLL), ancillary service procurement updates, changes to the transmission planning process and a status report on the Permian Basin Reliability Plan, and other important ERCOT and PUC changes impacting renewable generation.”
Texas Regulatory Update
Wednesday, February 5
1:15 pm
Austin, Texas
Register here.